I did these invitations for my father in laws 60th birthday party/cookout. I was really excited at how well they turned out. I used Real Red as the main color, found this really neat scrapbook paper that looks like a map for an accent & ordered a stamp of the 50's style car online. I colored the car with an SU marker then used crystal accents on the red part only to make it look like it was freshly painted. Then I used silver brads as hub cabs. They were really easy & time consuming but well worth the effort!
Hey! I haven't stopped by your blog in a while, so thought I would see what you have been up to. The car looks really cool. I love the CE to make it shiny!
Ok, I am still waiting to see new things on here! PS...there is blog candy on my blog, you should play! You probably don't have the in colors, but you can see them online, pick your fave, and play in my blog candy contest! It's for a yard of each of the new in color polka dot ribbon!!! Talk soon, hope all is well with you and the boys!
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