My inspiration for the design & colors came from the accent ribbon I used. I've had it for awhile & I love it but I just couldn't find the right project for it until now.

This is the puzzle side of the dominos. This project took the longest because each color had to have 2 coats & drying time in between each coat. I used acrylic paint. I forgot the acrylic sealer this time but I will definitely remember it next time to prevent chipping. I was very lucky to have save a clear box that cards came in to package the dominos inside & I didn't include this in the pictures but I painted a thin piece of cardboard (saved & cut from a scrapbooking paper kit) so that he would have a picture to match to the puzzle. I guess if she wanted to his mom could frame that & this gift would have 3 different uses.

This is the outside of the booklet.

These are the activity pages that I put inside the booklet. He can also put pictures on the backside of the pages & have a photo album as well.

Unfortunately the party was at Chuck E Cheese & I didn't get to see him open the present but I'm sure he liked least I hope he did. Kent really liked it so it was Kid Approved.